Jaden's Bedroom

Jaden's stuffies
Cleaning the boys' bedroom is such a chore. I often try to go through and do a thorough cleaning once a quarter. Every three months seems about right, I filter through the closet removing too small cloths, throwing junk and broken toys, matching up shoes and throwing out old school papers. I usually can find the over due libray book in there also.

Two boys share that room and really they don't have a lot of stuff. I keep their belongins to a minimum for the simple reason is they don't keep the place tidy. I have labeled bins and sorted the toys accordingly. That helps however the floor never stays clean so daily vacuuming is out of the question.

Well, today I noticed Jaden was in the room for quite sometime when I finally decided I needed to peak in and check it out. There was Jaden happy and content to be cleaning and organizing his room. I left him alone. Sometime later, he announced that he was done picking up.

Jaden, I noticed you worked hard on cleaning up the bedroom. That is awesome and it looks very nice! You did a great job. Keep up the good work!