Newman Arrived

We were in Minnesota and reviewing the paper for good deals. We look but seldom buy simply because 1) we don't have much extra money and 2) I've have vowed not to clutter my home with "stuff" again.

But we found a great price on Jack Russell puppies! No.... we didn't need another dog (we already have two) but Jacks are sooo cute.

So here's new man on the block! Our new seven week old pup, Newman!

The lay off continues on....

It has been nine months now since Kirk was laid off. Nine months of fear and uncertainty. We have rolled out another six month financial plan that includes the loss of Kirk's unemployment in December.

Our goal is to NOT lose the house. It is still for sale but as we approach Christmas our hopes of selling are dimishing. I have asked the bank to amend our loan so we can rent it out. Of course, that department is inindated with hardship cases. Most likely ours will be placed on the back burner since we not in default or at risk. Yet!

Winter is approaching fast with the cooler temps and heating bills. I only hope we have enough set aside so we can make it through.

As they say, "What doesn't kill us, make us stronger".

Frugal Meals with out the Meat

Grocery money is very limited this week so we will be eating foods for "our grocery store". Our meals will constist of alot of beans and sale priced cheese.

Kirk, who has been doing alot of the cooking, has recently discover meatless meals. The meatless aspect is great for those trying to save on the grocery bills.

For lunch, we had sandwiches on homemade bread with fresh veggies from the garden and cheese. No meat! The kids and I have been enjoying these types of sandwiches for years but Kirk has always added the meat. I guess, the unemployment line has created a healthier Kirk!