An update on the Urban Gardening

Our little garden is coming along nicely. It is so fun to watch the plants grow and mature. Each day I spend a bit of time outdoors weeding, watering and letting the hyper hounds play outside. Chase and Jaden both have harvested a pea pod and are waiting for more to grow! They have also been picking and thinning the little carrots. I am waiting for the green beans, it won’t be long now!

We have had excesses rain lately and more on the way. I took these pictures in the am and there was so much cloud cover it actually looks like evening. One of the tomato plants looks really sick most likely drowning. It is in a low spot and that is actually the second one I lost in that location. Kirk and I decided to build up that part of the yard later in the fall once the plants are done. The good news is I have four voluntary tomato plants growing the raised bed. Last year, we didn’t clean out the bed before freeze up. That apparently left seed in the ground that sprouted and grew into new plants this year. Out of four plants, three are of nice size and flowering. They should have a good chance of producing some fruit! Yahoo!

I thinned the lettuce in the container box. The thinnings make good eatin’ too! Lettuce has shallow roots and so this broken Sterlite Under the Box is working wonderfully. It dries out quickly though so watering is very important. We also have a couple of lettuce plants in the ground that we have actually been harvesting.

Blueberry Bush

And there are even a few blueberries on the blueberry bush we planted this spring!