Reusing plastic grocery store bags in the kitchen garbage

Kitchen Garbage Can
Since we recycle and compost, I have a smaller sized can for garbage in the kitchen. The plastic bags from our local grocery store fit nicely but Wal-mart bags are just a tad too small. The mouth of the bag doesn't quite fit around the rim of the can and sometimes fails in making a mess.

Hooked bag

I picked up a bag of little hooks for $.25 last week at a yard sale but our dollar store also carries them. The Commands are nice but pricey. I save them for the cupboards, walls and valuable items. Anyway, I attached these little hooks to prevent the bags from falling down inside the can.

First I cleaned the plastic can thoroughly with a small cloth and rubbing alcohol. Then I attached the hooks upside down on the outer edge of the rim. Now when a bag is just a bit to small, I can link it around the upside down hook and the side will stay up.

Another option would be to attach the hooks right side up on the interior of the can. It all depends on the size of the can verses the size of your bags you are dealing with. Adjust accordingly to your situation and the bag will be held upright in correct position.